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Dnsmasq one IP for laptop ethernet and WiFi

In some cases you would like to have one IP for computer no matter how it's connected - using Ethernet or WiFi.

My reason was BackupPC - it uses names to distinguish hosts. Unfortunately Web interface in my router only allows 1-to-1 association between MAC, IP and host name (using /etc/ethers and /etc/hosts files), so I have two positions:

Hostname MAC IP
mylaptop 00:00:00:23:B2:25
mylaptop-lan 00:00:00:80:B2:0A

To bypass this restriction I have to do it manually.

First of all I had to remove both MAC form web interface so they don't disturb my own configuration (You can check if the IP is gone in /etc/ethers or /etc/hosts file).

I've decided to create separate file for my changes so I've created empty /etc/dnsmasq-jaqb.conf and added at the end of /etc/dnsmasq.conf:


(to be honest I've this file for my previous changes ;-)

Then I've added name-to-ip association to /etc/dnsmasq-jaqb.conf


Now, after restart dnsmasq of course, my computer always get the same IP.

The last line is not necessary - it is to help some of my scripts to work because they assume there is host named mylaptop-lan.


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