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The easiest way to set up own Jitsi meet server is containerization (see Jitsi in docker).

When you would like to change logo watermark you can use this method. It will work only in this instance of docker. You can stop / start container, but when you destroy it (i.e.: docker-compose down) the changes will gone.

Copy new file (original dimensions are 612x272) to your docker server and place in directory:


check id / name of your web container, i.e.:

[docker@docker jitsi-meet]# docker-compose ps
         Name          Command   State                        Ports
jitsi-meet_jicofo_1    /init     Up
jitsi-meet_jvb_1       /init     Up>10000/udp,>4443/tcp
jitsi-meet_prosody_1   /init     Up      5222/tcp, 5269/tcp, 5280/tcp, 5347/tcp
jitsi-meet_web_1       /init     Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp

as you can see in my case it is the jitsi-meet_web_1.

Execute bash inside container:

docker exec -it jitsi-meet_web_1 /bin/bash

replace original watermark

cd /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/
mv watermark.png watermark.png-old
cp /config/new-logo.png watermark.png

it's not necessary, but I've saved Jitsi watermark as watermark.png-old.

That's all.

You can also check ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/web/interface_config.js file for other parameters.

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