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I had to use Windows machine, if you use Linux you will need esptool and flash script for Linux.

First of all you have to download ESP Easy firmware, i.e. version R120. and unzip it to some folder (I've used C:\Users\username\Downloads\ESPEasy_R120)

If you have some ESP8266 module (they have different names, you have to search: ESP8266, Witty, NodeMCU or Lua) with USB interface the only think you have to do is connect to PC or you have to have serial to USB adapter.

After connect you have to check (virtual) serial port number. In my case COM3.

In first step I used smallest image:

cd C:\Users\username\Downloads\ESPEasy_R120
esptool.exe -vv -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp COM3 -ca 0x00000 -cf ESPEasy_R120_512.bin

When you use putty connect to COM3 (115200 8N1) you will see log. Something like this:

 INIT : Boot OK
 INIT : Normal boot

Now you have to connect to WiFi network named ESP_0, password can be configesp. I've used Android phone, so I've been automatically redirected to configuration page where I can provide SSID and password to my WiFi. In console you can see:

WIFI : Connecting... 1
WIFI : Connected!

Then you have to disconnect from ESP_0 network and connect again. After this you will see:

FLASH: Settings saved

now you have your module configured to your WiFi network.

After this I've checked that my module (Main, Flash Size) is 4MB version and flashed them again using another image:

cd C:\Users\username\Downloads\ESPEasy_R120
esptool.exe -vv -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp COM3 -ca 0x00000 -cf ESPEasy_R120_4096.bin

I didn't notice any changes so I thing 512kB image is enough.

Today I've run Domoticz on my NAS (ReadyNAS OS 6 running on Ultra 4). Installation is very simple (in contrast to run on CentOS 7). I've downloaded domoticz from their site:

cd /tmp
wget "https://releases.domoticz.com/releases/release/domoticz_linux_x86_64.tgz"

Extracted files:

cd /opt
mkdir domoticz-2017-03-13
cd domoticz-2017-03-13
tar -zxf /tmp/domoticz_linux_x86_64.tgz

Created file /lib/systemd/system/domoticz.service:

Description=Domoticz uruchoamiany automatycznie

ExecStart=/opt/domoticz-2017-03-13/domoticz -daemon


and register service to start automatically :

systemctl enable domoticz
systemctl start domoticz

and that's all. Now you can check if it's work: - of course you have to change IP address.

Just my blog...

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